Popular messaging apps include WhatsApp and Viber. These forms of communication are not limited to friends and relatives. Facebook Messenger has recently added a few new features, including direct call and video chat. With Snapchat, users can send pictures and videos that "disappear" within seconds after a recipient opens the message. Snapchat, however, is not a social platform but it is an app that can be downloaded on a smartphone. Facebook Messenger is the messaging system for social platform (Facebook) that enables users to message friends, family and strangers at their will. These two apps have many features in common but they also differ in a few ways. Two popular apps in this category include Facebook Messenger and Snapchat. These apps allow individuals to connect with strangers at their own risk.īillions of people use social messenger apps on a daily basis. Video chatting applications allow users to chat face-to-face via their smartphone's camera. There are a lot of video chatting apps, but among the most popular apps in this category are ooVoo and Chatroulette. Simply put: abusing the rules of these apps can put them in serious danger. They're often used for things they are not meant for, such as sexting. These apps are designed with the purpose of helping users keep in touch with friends, relatives, and even co-workers, but a lot of teens abuse these apps or some of these apps' features. Video chatting apps, social messenger apps, and messaging apps all offer different styles of chatting with different features. Sometimes, teens abuse these apps and use them for things the app is not created for. Teens use their phones to talk and text but they also use their smartphones and iPhones to download apps to keep in touch with their friends.
Today, almost every teen has a smartphone or iPhone. Thanks to evolving technology, teens have a lot more access to the outside world than in previous years.